The Incarnation of the Holy Spirit

WELCOME to the Official Website of the PBCM.


This site will attempt to imbue on its readers the important aspects of salvation which is everybody's concern. Our presentation of biblical doctrines will surely attract attention from those who will visit this website because some of them will think that our claims are shocking, controversial and out of hand. But as far as the present religious concepts are concerned, all of them are leading to the path of destruction. Outrageous declaration? Absolutely not, and all we ask of our readers is to read us out before jumping to unfounded conclusions and declare us vain. Since we are concerned with both the spiritual and physical aspects of salvation (these two are interrelated in the sense that body and spirit must be united because “...the body without the spirit is dead...” - James 2:26 KJV) then we must exert all efforts to deal with both aspects to save both. These can be dealt with by accepting the Holy Bible (any authorized version and translation) as the main carrier of spiritual doctrines & prophecies - with reference books, news and current events, as they present the news items as fulfillment of certain biblical prophesies and other related circumstances. Divine administration and domination upon humanity is presented in the Bible as three great spiritual eras - i.e., the era of God the Father, the era of God the Son and the everlasting era of God the Holy Spirit. Although you cannot read it verbatim, with spiritual guidance you can conclude as such. But who is empowered to render such guidance in order for these things to be understood and conclude as such? The Bible simply states that, “ one can explain by himself a prophesy in the under the control of the Holy Spirit...” 2 Peter 1:20-21)Thus, only men authorized by the Holy Spirit are qualified to make people understand and grasp the significance and true meaning of biblical prophesies. The questions are: who is the Holy Spirit and who are those under his control? That's what we are here for! We are introducing to the world the biographical profile of the Holy Spirit incarnate. In the Doctrines section we give in full detail the prophecies in the Bible that supports this claim that embodies our entire doctrine for you to consider and reconsider if you want salvation. The world was unaware that on December 29, 1939 the long prophesied but unexpected birth of the Holy Spirit incarnate was fulfilled in a remote and lonely place in the Southern Philippines. At precisely seven o'clock in the morning in barangay San Antonio, municipality of Jasaan, province of Misamis Oriental in Mindanao, Philippines was born to Avelino Eugenio and Crescencia Dagoc a child whom they christened Obispo. The circumstances before, during and after the birth of the child who came to be known as Master Tomas D. Eugenio, Sr. - were filled with miraculous events.The mother, Crescencia, was on her final month of pregnancy when she heard a voice calling on her from within her bulging stomach. Dumbstruck with awe, she just listened to the instructions given by her unborn yet talking baby. She was told to recall and preach this event to the concerned relatives to enlighten them when the child turns seventeen years old. Unfortunately, out of fear of being ridiculed by her kinsmen she cowed and refused to heed the instructions given by her child at the appointed age, so both sides of their kinfolk knew nothing about the pre-natal miracle.When the big day came, another miraculous event occurred. The attending midwife was awestruck with fear for the child before her whom she helped deliver was born without the accompanying placenta and umbilical cord! In other words, the baby was independent of it's mother's nutrients while still inside the womb. It was alive and growing by it's own power!

During pre-school days the neighbors were always amazed by his unique talents. He liked to play with poisonous snakes, insects and wild animals without fear. He had the propensity to tame them without exerting any effort.  He even talked to these creatures. He had the power to call soaring birds in the sky and make them perch in his hands.When he started school at age seven and Grade One, the teacher had nothing to teach him after a few weeks so he was promoted to Grade Two. The same thing happened after a few weeks so he was again promoted to the next higher grade. At this rate, he was graduated from the elementary within two years due to his exemplary achievements. A high ranking officer from a university in Cagayan de Oro City, the capital of Misamis Oriental, offered him full scholarship abroad but he merely replied that "God is not a slave to anybody".Destined to be worshipped, he revealed his true nature at the ordained time. He organized the  Philippine Benevolent Christian Missionaries, Association of Mercy, Incorporated (PBCM) on April 15, 1967. It is a spiritual association which adopted legal measures to protect itself against anything that might want to bar its aims and purposes and to assemble the members without fear and in accordance with the law and in obedience to the Scriptures.It is an association based on the prophecies of the Bible concerning the incarnation of the Holy Spirit and on the promise of Jesus Christ.  The PBCM aims to propagate Christian teachings on faith, mercy and benevolence. It was registered and legally incorporated with the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission on August 12, 1971 under permit #45013.From the day that Divine Master Tomas D. Eugenio, Sr. revealed Himself as the incarnate Holy Spirit, He was subjected to ridicule, harassment and persecution. But in accordance with the Scriptures, this association of the Holy Spirit will withstand all kinds of harassment because it is written in the Bible the Holy Spirit will be victorious.


To my beloved Missionaries:We are now on the threshold of success. But we are not forgetting our main objective to propagate the Faith of which I am telling you to cover every corner of this world to know that God the Holy Spirit is now with you.Rest assured that I am always with you in every endeavor you do in my name.


* * * *And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. (Matthew 24:14 KJV)